Our brow menu.
Pre-appointment (Cosmetic Tattooing)
Do not tweeze, thread, tint or wax 10 days prior to your appointment
No alcohol 24 hours before procedure
Do not sun tan or spray tan face 14 days prior to your appointment
Do not perform any type of facials 14 days prior to appointment
Do not perform botox 4 weeks prior to appointment
Do not take fish oil or vitamin E tablets 7 days prior to appointment
Do not exercise the day of appointment
Do not consume caffeine the day of appointment
Ensure you have washed your hair the day of appointment as you must avoid water on the brows for 7 days following the procedure
Post-appointment Care (Cosmetic Tattooing)
Directly after the appointment, avoid touching the brows or have hair fall ontop of the brows.
Avoid water and steam on the brows for 7 days, this may mean shorter showers.
Avoid make up , serums and creams on and around the brows 14 days or after scabbing has fallen off
Ensure you use a new pillow case the day of appointment
Avoid exercise that may cause sweat around the brows or forehead for 7 days
Avoid sleeping on your brows/face for 14 days
Avoid swimming in pools, lakes, rivers and oceans for 14 days
Avoid touching or rubbing your brows
No facials, Botox, chemical treatments, or microdermabrasion for four weeks.
Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for four weeks after the procedure. Wear a hat when outdoors.
Avoid long, hot showers for the first ten days.
What to expect your brows to look like
Following the procedure, your brows will look very dark and may progressively get darker for the next 7-10 days.
You will then notice scabbing on your whole brow, this may look like cracking. Allow the scabbing to fall off on its own, do not pick the scabbing off as you will interrupt the healing process and the pigment.
After the scabbing falls off naturally, the brows will look untouched, not much pigment will be left on the brows
6-8 weeks post procedure, you will find that the pigment will start to reflect back onto the surface of the skin. Please note that if it is your first cosmetic tattoo procedure with The Artistry, the brows may look like you have very little to no pigment left.
Book your appointment for your perfection touch up 6-8 weeks post initial procedure.
FAQ about our brow services
What wax do we use.
Our brow specialist has had over 5 years experience with brows and has tried many different brands and textures of wax over the years. We have now found the best wax for skin sensitivity as well as giving the optimum results.
What to expect when coming in for a brow treatment.
We will first ask you to fill out a brow consultation form for any contraindications and all your details. You willl then be lead to your treatment room where we will perform the brow service. All our brow services are performed in closed treatment rooms for privacy and comfortablilty.
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask our brow artist!